Wednesday, March 1, 2023

Nav Lights Aircraft

Nav Lights Aircraft

Nav Lights Aircraft - Navigation lights must be turned on between sunset and sunrise during all operations (on the ground and in the air). You should also use them in bad weather (during the day). Seaplanes should use maritime rules when operating on the surface of water (they are similar to aviation rules in terms of lighting).

Other lights on an aircraft include red and green LEDs on each wing to indicate to other aircraft at night which direction the plane is facing – green right, red left. There are also anti-collision beacon lights on the top and bottom of the fuselage that rotate reddish orange to produce a flashing effect.

Nav Lights Aircraft

Light Reflections From The Navigation Lights Of An Business Jet On A Wet Apron. Stock Photo - Image Of Colorful, Night: 194396464

Most modern aircraft are equipped with a steady light near the leading edge of each wingtip. When facing forward from the perspective of the pilot, the light on the right wingtip is green, and that on the left wing is red.

When Should Aircraft Navigation Lights Be On?

The different colors make it possible for an outside observer, such as the pilot of another aircraft, to determine which direction the plane is flying. These navigation lights are most useful at night when it is more difficult to tell the direction the plane is going without them.

A bright white lamp is located on the nose landing gear strut of most planes. This light is typically turned on whenever the aircraft is in motion on the ground for greater visibility during taxi, takeoff, and landing.

Some Exclusions Apply (GA Batteries/Plugs/Filters/Tires/Oil, (MRP/MAP/Sale Items & Others) Legal Requirements Vessels are required to show the proper navigation lights from sunset to sunrise in all weather conditions, good and bad. The Rules also state that navigation lights must be shown in conditions of reduced visibility, and may be shown at other times considered necessary.

Landing And Nav Light Tidbits

High-intensity strobe lights that flash a white-colored light are located on each wingtip. Most smaller planes are only equipped with one of these strobes near the leading edge just behind the red or green navigation light.

What Lights Do Planes Use At Night?

Larger airliners may be equipped with an additional strobe at the trailing edge as well. These flashing lights are very bright and intended to attract attention during flight. They are sometimes also used on the runway and during taxi to make the plane more conspicuous.

Keep an eye on your inbox for your $25 off code. Valid on Orders Placed within 14 Days of Code Request In addition to the red and green lights, most planes are also fitted with other steady white navigation lights in various locations.

Large airliners, in particular, will often have such lighting on the trailing edge of each wingtip. These lights are also sometimes placed along the trailing edges of the horizontal tail. Another popular location is at the very aft end of the fuselage or at the top of the vertical tail.

One of these latter lights placed along the aircraft centerline is especially common on smaller airliners and commuter planes. Whatever the location, the purpose of these steady white lights is to improve the plane's visibility from behind the aircraft.

2022 Aircraft Lighting Buyer's Guide - Kitplanes

Navigation Lights

According to CFR 14 and FAR Part 91.205, a landing light is required for all aircraft used in commercial operations at night. Landing lights are not allowed to be switched on when taxiing or near an airport gate.

Usually located in the leading edge of the wing root, these bright white lamps are intended to provide side and forward lighting during taxi and when turning off the runway. These lights are most useful at poorly lit airports but are usually unnecessary.

The lights can also be used in flight if greater visibility is required. General aviation Beacon lights = turn on before engine start up, turn off after engine shutdown. Must be on when the aircraft is moving, even when the aircraft engines are off – for example when being Towed, the beacon must be on.

These lights are not required but are common on most commercial aircraft. The lights are usually located on the surface of or at the tips of the horizontal stabilizer. The steady white lights are used to illuminate the company's logo painted on the vertical tail.

Taxi Lights

While useful for advertising, the primary purpose of these lights is safety since the bright lights help to make the plane more visible. Position lights, also known as navigation lights, include a green light on the right wing, a red light on the left wing and a white light on the tail of the airplane.

Aircraft Exterior Lighting - Explained - Aviation For Aviators

Per CFR Part 91.209, position lights are required during night operations – from sunset to sunrise. In Class B, C, D and E surface areas, operation of the airport beacon during the hours of daylight often indicates that the ground visibility is less than 3 miles and/or the ceiling is less than 1,000 feet.

A specific ATC clearance is required for landing, takeoff and flight in the traffic pattern. A navigation light, also known as a running or position light, is a source of illumination on a vessel, aircraft or spacecraft.

Navigation lights give information on a craft's position, heading, and status. Their placement is mandated by international conventions or civil authorities. Bright white landing lights are usually fitted to most planes for enhanced visibility during the landing approach.

Are Navigation Lights Required?

These lights can also be used to illuminate the runway at poorly lit airports. They are often required for night landings but also commonly used during the day as well to make the plane more noticeable.

While the use of these lights is common, their location can vary from plane to plane. Landing lights may be located in the wing root, in the outboard wing, or somewhere along the forward fuselage. Some aircraft are equipped with multiple sets of landing lights in more than one of these locations.

The New Parmetheus G3 Led Landing And Taxi Lights | Whelen Aerospace  Technologies

The 737, for example, has inboard landing lights located in the wing root as well as outboard landing lights in the outboard flap fairings. You can legally fly without a beacon and use the strobes instead, which means they are correct.

An aircraft anti-collision light system can use one or more rotating beacons and/or strobe lights, be colored either red or white, and have different (higher than minimum) intensities when compared to other aircraft. Planes are equipped with a variety of lights that are used for navigation, safety, and to improve visibility during flight or when taxiing on the ground.

Strobe Lights

The external lights on aircraft fall into two general categories. The first is navigation lights or beacons that are always illuminated while the aircraft is in operation. A second type includes takeoff and landing lights that are used to improve visibility when the plane is close to or on the ground.

Several of these lights are discussed in greater detail below. What is the minimum fuel reserve for day VFR flight, and on what cruise speed is the fuel reserve based? There must be enough fuel to fly to the 1st point of intended landing and 30 mins beyond (day) or 45 mins beyond (night) assuming normal cruise speed.

Many airliners feature lights along the root of the wing leading edge that can be used to illuminate the wing and engine pylons in flight. These lights may be used to make the plane more visible during takeoff and landing or to inspect the wings for damage in flight.

Aircraft Lighting Issue - Prepar3d Forums

Pilots can also use the wing lights to inspect the wings and slats for any ice accretion that might build up when flying through clouds. Pilots are encouraged to turn on their landing lights when operating within 10 miles of an airport and below 10,000 feet.

Roger Roger

Operation lights on applies to both day and night or in conditions of reduced visibility. This should also be done in areas where flocks of birds may be expected. The red, green and white lights are position lights.

They are required from sunset to sunrise by 14 CFR 91.203. (1) Operate an aircraft unless it has lighted position lights; If anticollision lights are installed, they must be used unless the pilot turns them off in the interest of safety.

The logo light is used to see if there are any other aircraft crossing the taxiway or apron. It's just better to have a big, bright illuminated area, instead of a few small lights. ATC and the pilot can visually identify the companies name thanks to the logo lights.

Two beacon lights are fitted to the aircraft near the center of the fuselage. One is located on the top of the fuselage and the other on the bottom. These lights are colored reddish orange and rotate to produce a flashing effect.

Navigation Or Position Lights

The beacons are turned on just before the engines are started and they remain active until the last engine is shut down. The beacons help to serve as a safety warning to ground personnel that the engines are operational.

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New French Aircraft Carrier

New French Aircraft Carrier

New French Aircraft Carrier - Named after French statesman and Gen. Charles de Gaulle, the warship entered service in 2001. As of May of last year, it is also the only non-American carrier to have a catapult launch system, which has allowed it to operate F/A- 18E/F Super Hornets and C-2 Greyhounds of the U.S.

navy. Macron made the announcement on Dec. 8, 2020, during a visit to Framatome, a French company that builds nuclear reactors, and associated equipment, and is set to provide the powerplants for the PANG. The French government also has a controlling stake in this firm, which built the reactor plants for the Charles de Gaulle, via the electric utility company Électricité de France.

New French Aircraft Carrier

France's New Aircraft Carrier Will Be Nuclear Powered - Naval News

The options are still open for the nuclear or conventional propulsion mode, knowing that with the option of nuclear propulsion the issue of maintaining industrial know-how is addressed, which concerns the aircraft carrier but also the submarines.

Pang Missions And Capabilities

The question of the choice of catapults, also essential, is linked to the plans which will be implemented from this future aircraft carrier, therefore to the FCAS; its size and tonnage will determine the length of the catapults, and therefore the size of the flight deck.

These are the questions which will be presented and which must be answered in order to start additional studies. The three main missions that are requested under the PANG program have been identified and published by the MP Jean-Charles Larsonneur (who serves on the Defense Committee of the French National Assembly).

These missions are:• Implementation of the Force Aéronavale Nucléaire (the Naval Nuclear Aviation Force known as FANu);• Land strike capabilities by the implementation of the various elements of the Future Air Combat System (FCAS) including the capability to enter “first and alone” in contested airspace.

• Be control in blue water Anti-tank teams hiding in tree lines along the fields, and armed with American infrared-guided Javelins and Ukrainian laser-guided Stugna-P missiles, powered up their weapons. Farther away, artillery batteries were ready.

One Or Two Flat Tops ?

The dirt road had been left free of mines, while the fields all about were seeded with them, so as to entice the Russians to advance while preventing tanks from turning around once the trap was sprung.

The PANG will also be fitted with the advanced arresting gear (AAG). According to industry sources, the French Navy initially didn't want to procure the system. but as with steam catapult, the existing American arresting systems (found aboard the Nimitz class and Charles de Gaulle) won't be around for much more than another 20 years…

French Navy New Generation Aircraft Carrier Design Detailed - Edr Magazine

In ambushes, the crew hides the tank within range of a road that Russian tanks or armored personnel carriers might travel down. Then it waits quietly. As they sit and prepare for ambush, they must keep the engine warm, because restarting it would take too long.

Idling would be noisy. Instead, they burn a small kerosene heater beside the motor. The French research institute DGA Hydrodynamic Techniques Center in Val de Reuil is responsible for the first phase of testing of PANG.

Design And Features Of French Next-Generation Aircraft Carrier

The first tests on small-scale models of the hull are underground in a lake in southern France. Tests at an Armed Forces Ministry test center in Val-de-Reuil, Normandy, will follow. Before sharing some details on what the “PANG” will likely look like (keeping in mind several caveats, starting with the fact that nothing is certain until Macron makes his official announcement), let's look at some of the statements made in the past few weeks by key officials:

French authorities seem very committed now to the PANG program, which, based on what we know now, looks set to provide the country's navy with a new carrier with significantly improved capabilities over Charles de Gaulle within the next few decades.

In this instance, they stopped about three miles short of the ambush site, just out of range of return fire, and shot in coordination with a drone pilot who called in coordinates on a radio for targets they could not see directly.

The depth of the Russian defeat was underscored by Russian military bloggers, who have emerged as an influential pro-war voice in the country. Often critical of the military, they have posted angry screeds about the failures of repeated tank assaults, blaming generals for misguided tactics with a storied Russian weapon.

Pang Development Details

The future PANG could be manned by a crew of between 900 and 1080 sailors (not including the air element of 550 to 620 sailors). The total berthing capacity could remain around 2000 sailors, similar to Charles de Gaulle, but with a higher level of comfort.

According to an industry source who wished to remain unnamed, at least one the PANG designs that was being studied included a SeaFire radar by Thales as well as MBDA's Aster type surface to air missiles.

French Aircraft Carrier Pa2 - Wikipedia

The SeaFire is a multifunction radar consisting of four non-rotating arrays and benefiting from the latest gallium nitride (GaN) high-power amplifier technology. Initially design for the next generation frigates of the French Navy known as FDI, the SeaFire provides early warning of potential attacks from conventional and emerging air and surface threats using long-range 3D surveillance, horizon search, and surface surveillance.

Its 360-degree coverage can track 800 objects simultaneously without saturation at a range of up to 500 kilometers in the air and 80 kilometers on the surface. The radar arrays are modular therefore larger variants may be designed by Thales for larger platforms… such as an aircraft carrier.

Florence Parly – May

By Bastille day (July 14), the French President is expected to green light the PANG (Porte Avion Nouvelle Generation or new generation aircraft carrier) program. A positive decision on the program (its formal launch) makes little doubt now, given the many statements made by French officials in recent weeks inferring that the program will effectively go ahead.

Euronaval 2018, the Minister of the Armed Forces, Florence Parly, kicked off the study phase for the French Navy's future aircraft carrier, which would succeed to the Charles de Gaulle in the 2030ies / early 2040ies time frame.

The announcement by Macron would effectively start the program with detailed design followed by the construction. While the French military had initially sought to develop the warship with conventional propulsion, Macron has been a leading-advocate for nuclear-power.

The new French carrier will thus have two K22 power generators, which can each produce 220 megawatts. Those generators are derived from the K15 systems, which produce 150 MW each, that are currently employed by Charles de Gaulle.

Aircraft Carried

Parly also said that the decision to again go with a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier was twofold. Firstly, it will give the ship virtually unlimited range and, secondly, it will help France maintain its nuclear industrial base.

She did note that fuel would still be required for the carrier's air wing. The ship will still need to maintain stocks of food and water for the personnel on board, as well. As noted, it will have electromagnetic catapults to launch aircraft.

40 Coronavirus Cases Suspected On French Aircraft Carrier – Politico

The carrier's air wing will include up to thirty-two Rafale fighter jets or successor Dassault fighter that is currently under development as part of a joint effort between France, Germany and Spain. Additional aircraft could include two to three E-2D Advanced Hawkeyes and a yet-to-be-determined number of unmanned carrier air vehicles.

Remote carriers, or a fully autonomous unmanned combat air vehicle (UCAV), such as a derivative of the Dassault nEUROn, which took part in a demonstration together with Charles de Gaulle in 2016, could also be added to the PANG's air wing in the future .

The ship's electromagnetic catapults would be a major boon for any future carrier-borne drones, as they are much better suited to launching smaller, lighter aircraft than traditional steam catapults. Over about three weeks of the tank battle, repeated Russian armored assaults floundered.

In one instance, Ukrainian commanders called in a strike by HIMARS guided rockets; they are usually used on stationary targets like ammunition depots or barracks, but also proved effective against a stationary tank column. The report also calls for the necessity to improve living conditions aboard PANG (compared those aboard Charles de Gaulle) and explains that its crew complement will be about 10% reduced compared to the existing aircraft carrier (meaning a crew of about 1080 sailors. For the record, the Queen Elizabeth-class aircraft carrier operate with a crew of 679 [both figures not including air element]).

In addition, a dual crew system similar to what is being implemented for the FREMM frigates is being considered for the PANG. Various designs were considered for a potential Porte Avions 2 (PA2), or Aircraft Carrier 2, including a CATOBAR design derived from the U.K.

Royal Navy's Queen Elizabeth class hullform from DCNS, which was subsequently renamed Naval Group, and Thales Naval France. In 2013, a French Armed Forces white paper was published that included an announcement that the PA2 project had been cancelled.

Two K22 nuclear reactors will drive the ship's propulsion system and propel the vessel to speeds of up to 27 knots, as well as supply electrical power for the ship's various systems. This will include electromagnetic catapults from General Atomics, the same company that designed and built the Electromagnetic Aircraft Launch System (EMALS) for the U.S.

Navy's Ford class carriers. It's not clear whether the PANG will also have an electronically-controlled arresting system, such as the Advanced Arresting Gear (AAG) found on the Fords, another General Atomics product. The concept art that Naval Group and the French Ministry of Armed Forces have now released online shows a Catapult Assisted Take-Off Barrier Arrested Recovery (CATOBAR) type design with an angled deck and a relatively small main island toward the rear right end of the flight deck.

The French Navy Is Planning A New Aircraft Carrier. It Needs Two

The Charles de Gaulle is also a CATOBAR configuration and, at present, France is only just two countries to operate aircraft carriers of this type, the other being the United States. China is now in the process of building a CATOBAR-configured carrier and India has expressed interest in acquiring a ship of this type, as well.

As we mentioned at the beginning of this article, President Macron will not only give the go / no go to the PANG program. He will also have to decide whether the PANG program is limited to a single replacement of the sole Charles de Gaulle nuclear-powered aircraft carrier or if the program calls for the construction of two flat-tops from the get go.

The K15 (“K” for compact and “15” for 150 MW thermal) naval nuclear reactors supply chain was developed thanks to a test reactor – the New Generation Reactor (1989 – 2005) – which lead to the development of K15 found aboard Le Triomphant-class SSBN and Charles de Gaulle CVN.

The Barracuda program (Suffren-class SSN) benefits from an evolution of the K15. Thibault Lamidel notes that “the lobbying campaign” carried out about this mater was divided between the two propulsion options because, depending on whether the fuel is low-enriched uranium or diesel, the industrial scope benefits one or the other of the shipbuilders (namely Naval Group and Chantiers de l'Atlantique).

Parly said that the PANG is expected to have a crew of 2,000, but it's not clear if that includes aviators that will be assigned to the ship's air wing. Given that the typical combined size of Charles de Gaulle's crew plus its air wing is around 2,000 personnel, it could indicate that the French Minister's estimated PANG crew size accounts for both elements.

If true, it's interesting that the PANG would have an identical crew size to the Charles de Gaulle given how much larger the proposed ship is, which could point to plans for the design to incorporate features and technology to reduce various workloads.

The challenge for Naval group but also for TechnicAtome and the CEA (French Atomic Energy Commission) is the preservation of all skills contributing to the French capacity to design all the elements of nuclear naval propulsion (i.e small boiler room capable of supporting very different, even sudden, power settings).

The French Navy's next-generation aircraft carrier will have a length of 300m and a width of 80m. It will be able to carry up to 2,000 people. The vessel will feature an angled flight deck and up to three electromagnetic aircraft launch systems (EMALS).

French Aircraft Carrier Charles De Gaulle Will Have Nuclear-Powered  Successor - Aerotime

but you concede that the major downside of a nuclear-powered aircraft carrier is the necessity to conduct an 18-month-long major overhaul every ten years to refuel the nuclear core. Nevertheless, and the report does omit this: The various protagonists of French nuclear naval propulsion previously declared to both the Assemblée Nationale and the Sénat that they could reduced the duration of refueling and overhaul from 18 to just 12 months.

Naval News also learned that the French side inquired about the possibility of conducting land-based EMALS and AAG tests. These tests would involve a French Navy Rafale M fighter and would take place at at Naval Air Warfare Center Aircraft Division Lakehurst, New Jersey, at the end of 2020.

"Charles de Gaulle, as you know, will come to the end of his life in 2038. This is why I have decided that the future aircraft carrier that will equip our country and our navy will be nuclear-powered like the Charles de Gaulle, Macron said.

“Your plant in Le Creusot, which has been producing parts essential to our navy for a long time, will produce, among others, several major parts of the nuclear boiler [reactor] of the future aircraft carrier by forging and machining them right here.

… By these choices, we confirm France's desire to preserve its strategic autonomy." Over a period of 7 days, the maximum capacities were that the 28 Rafale M could support, per day:– a single sortie of 24 Rafale M accompanied by an E-2C Hawkeye (no follow on sorties possible)– 8 Rafale M for Combat Air Patrol with 4 Rafale M on alert on deck;– 4 raids of 15 Rafale M with 4 Rafale M on alert on deck and an E-2C Hawkeye on patrol but without CAP;– 4 raids of 8 Rafale M, 1 E-2C Hawkeye on patrol with 4 Rafale M tasked with CAP and 4 Rafale M permanently on alert on the flight deck.

Naval Group's concept art, as seen below, shows NGFs on the flight deck. It also shows E-2 Hawkeye carrier-borne airborne warning and control aircraft and an NH90 helicopter, both of which the French Navy operates now.

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Netherlands Aircraft

Netherlands Aircraft

Netherlands Aircraft - Privacy Policy | EU Data Protection | Cookies Sadly, despite investments from both Mubadala (the investment fund of Abu Dhabi) as well as the Dutch government, the project could not attract enough investment to make any significant progress.

One reason cited for this was the financial crisis of 2008. Unfortunately, it's difficult to determine how far along this Fokker revival project is. While the bottom of NAC's website states "© 2021 Netherlands Aircraft Company," there isn't much more information on the progress of this endeavor.

Netherlands Aircraft

Embraer C-390M For Royal Netherlands Air Force

NAC's website doesn't show much more than marketing text for the F130, making lofty claims with very little to show for it. More than 25 suppliers from across the Dutch industry are participating in critical technology development and strategic structural design ventures integral to the F-35 program, along with high-volume production, which includes composites, bonded assemblies, and aircraft wiring.

Air Tanzania Company Limited Aircraft Is Impounded In Netherlands

Is The Project Stalled?

This high-technology work leverages the Netherlands' past performance experience and expertise on the F-16 program to maintain high-quality program execution. Every F-35 contains components manufactured by Dutch companies. With the introduction of advanced technologies, Dutch industries are strategically positioned to participate in the production of more than 3,000 F-35 aircraft over the life of the program.

In 2016, Luchtvaart Nieuws reported that there were plans to revive Fokker as an aircraft manufacturer. It was around this time that the Netherlands Aircraft Company (NAC) revealed a plan to build the Fokker 130, or F130 for short.

Klm Royal Dutch Airlines (Is The Flag Carrier Airline Of The Netherlands),  Boeing 737-900 Airplane Stock Photo - Alamy

The goal of this jet was to compete with the Airbus A220, Embraer E2, and Mitsubishi SpaceJet families. More than 25 Dutch suppliers are involved in important components of the F-35 program, such as the development of crucial technology and strategic structural design activities.

In addition, dragen ze bij aan de produktion van grote volumes, waarond composieten, assemblage door middel van zwindungstechniek, en bekabeling. This highly technological work lends itself well to the Dutch industry, given the experience and expertise that the Netherlands has previously gained with the F-16 program to guarantee the quality of the program.

Lelystad, Netherlands. July 2022. Close Up Of The Tail Section Of An  Aircraft. High Quality Photo Stock Photo - Alamy

Industrial Participation

Stretching roughly four meters more than the 35.53 meter Fokker 100, the F130 would also have a slightly larger wingspan. NAC claims that this jet would be far more fuel-efficient than its competitors, carrying as many as 137 passengers to a range of 2,000NM (3,700km) with an MTOW of 51,710 kg.

A unique development program based on early certification flight testing using two existing Fokker 100 aircraft converted into two compliant Fokker 130 prototypes targets entry-into-service in five years. The Fokker 130 will be certified to the latest EASA and FAA requirements.

In World First, Netherlands Caps Flights At Major Airport To Cut Pollution  - Yale E360

The Netherlands was the second international partner to receive the F-35, and continues to serve as a key contributor to the production and sustainment of the F-35 Lightning II advanced fighter. The Dutch are making plans to add to their F-35 fleet to increase the nation's capability and capacity to engage in allied operations.

In 2007, Dutch aviation company Premion signed a letter of intent to purchase 25 F100NGs - next-generation Fokker 100s. The deal was reportedly worth half a billion euros. These updated Fokkers would be created by a firm known at the time as Rekkof - which is simply Fokker spelled backwards.

Australia And The Netherlands Launch Legal Action Against Russia Over Mh17  Disaster | Malaysia Airlines Flight Mh17 | The Guardian

Developing The Nac Fokker

Founded by Jaap Rosen Jacobson, Rekkof would eventually be renamed to the Netherlands Aircraft Company. In 1996, Dutch planemaker Fokker ceased operations. Leading up to the company's sad conclusion, unfavorable conditions brought on by a recession and a spike in gas prices in the early 1990s resulted in significant losses.

Despite the Fokker 100 being hailed as "ahead of its time," production of the type ended when its maker went bankrupt. Hoping to revive this chapter of Dutch aviation, a company by the name of Rekkof set out in the early 2000s to produce a next-generation variant of the Fokker aircraft.

Deputy Editor - An experienced photographer and video producer, Chris is a journalistic natural. Degree educated with a wealth of traveling history, Chris' insight into routes, networks, and alliances brings a depth of quality to his work that is hard to beat.

His strong relationships with Middle Eastern and Canadian airlines make him an asset to the team. Currently based in Vilnius, Lithuania. Each F-35 has components produced by Dutch companies. The Dutch industry has a strategic position through the introduction of advanced technologies to contribute to the production of more than 3,000 F-35 aircraft for the duration of the program.

Industrial Cooperation

The Netherlands was the second international partner to receive the F-35. Today it is a significant partner in the production and maintenance of the F-35 Lightning II advanced fighter. The country now prepares for an expansion of the F-35 fleet to increase the possibilities and contribution to partner missions.

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